
Fonts & Text Rendering

This document describes how fonts & text rendering is handled in nwge.


To understand how text is rendered in Nwge, it is important to understand how fonts are handled. Nwge does not support TrueType fonts. Instead, it uses its own NwgeCFN font format. The major difference between NwgeCFN and TrueType is that NwgeCFN is bitmap-only, whereas TrueType can use both bitmap and vector rendering. Additionally, the bitmap in a NwgeCFN font is laid out in a very specific way to allow for fast rendering.

You see, most font texture atlases are laid out in multiple rows. In NwgeCFN, all characters are laid out in a single row. This saves some memory transfer between the CPU and GPU, and allows for fast rendering.

All measurement are in pixels.

Text Rendering

Now that we know what the font texture atlas looks like, we can look at how it is used to render text. When you render text, nwge will create a glyph data array. This array contains vec3s sent to the font shader for instanced rendering. Each vector describes the X and Y position of the glyph and its index. Note that it uses the glyph index, not its character code. That’s because the glyph width information is stored in a uniform array in the shader. Every time you use a different font, the glyph width array is updated. The shader will then perform lookups in this array to get the glyph width. Note that if you always use the same font, the glyph width array will not be updated for best performance.

Regarding glyph width, it is important to note that two different glyph width arrays are used. The first array is used to determine the width of the glyph on the screen. The second array is used to determine the width of the glyph in the texture atlas. Both of these are calculated from one glyph with array present in the NwgeCFN font.

Below is an excerpt from the font shader.

Glyph instance data:
  X -> glyph X coordinate
  Y -> glyph Y coordinate
  Z -> glyph index
layout (location = 3) in vec3 in_GlyphData;

/* Visible character widths, relative to the glyph height. */
uniform float[94] in_GlyphVisibleWidths;
/* Character width in texture atlas. Should be below or equal to 1/94. */
uniform float[94] in_GlyphTextureWidths;

void main() {
  /* Z component is the glyph index. */
  int glyphIdx = int(in_GlyphData.z);
  /* On-screen width of the glyph. in_DeStretch is used to prevent the glyphs
     from stretching due to aspect ratio. */
  float glyphW = in_GlyphVisibleWidths[glyphIdx] * in_DeStretch;
  /* Actual width and height of the glyph given the height. */
  vec2 size = vec2(glyphW * in_Height, in_Height);
  vec2 glyphPos = in_GlyphData.xy + in_Position.xy * size;

  /* Texture atlas width of the glyph. */
  float glyphTexW = in_GlyphTextureWidths[glyphIdx];
  fr_TexCoord = vec2(
                                /* X coordinate calculated from glyph index. */
    glyphTexW * in_TexCoord.x + in_GlyphData.z / 94.0,
    /* Y coordinate is always 0. */


See the libnwge_cfn and nwgecfn documentation.