
Engine Configuration

Two Types of Config

Developer-facing Config

These configuration options dictate how the developer expects the engine to act. They are passed in the nwge::start call and cannot be modified afterwards.

User-facing Config

These configuration options dictate how the user expects the engine to act. They are provided default values by the developer and may be changed by the user at runtime, either via console command or with a configuration file.

The user may override these options in many ways. Below is a list of steps taken to determine the final values:

  1. Developer-provided defaults.
  2. Load overrides from $NWGE_HOME/config.json
  3. Load overrides from $NWGE_HOME/config/<app name>.json

The user is provided with a Configuration Manager in-engine. It then allows the user to modify either the global config (2) or a per-app config (3). This Configuration Manager will be available under the e.config console command.

Manipulating the User-facing Config

The engineConfig.h header will expose a simple API allowing the app the modify the user’s app config (3 from above). This will allow developers to create immersive “Options” menus.

The user still has the options of creating their own overrides via the Configuration Manager.